Which tomato varieties should be planted in May?

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in many gardens. But to ensure a successful harvest, it is important to choose the right varieties and plant them at the right time. In this article, we present some of the best tomato varieties to plant in May for a bounty harvest.

Choosing the right tomato variety in May is crucial to ensure a successful harvest. The tomato varieties you choose should be adapted to the climatic conditions and location of your garden. They should also be disease and pest resistant to ensure healthy plant development and a good harvest.

The climate plays a crucial role in choosing the right tomato varieties for your garden. While some strains do well in cooler climates, others prefer warmer temperatures. It is important to choose a variety that suits the climatic conditions of your location.

Early ripening tomato varieties

Siberian Spring

‘Siberian Spring’ is a precocious variety well suited to colder climates. The plants are robust and can be planted as early as May. The tomatoes are medium-sized and have a sweet taste.

Sibirischer Frühling
Siberian Spring

Balcony Magic

‘Balcony Magic’ is a compact, early-ripening variety that is particularly suitable for growing on balconies and terraces. The tomatoes are small but very tasty and ripen quickly.

Balcony Magic


‘Primabell’ is a precocious variety suitable for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. The tomatoes have an elongated shape and are very aromatic.



  • Ripening time: Siberian spring is an early ripe tomato variety that bears ripe fruit after just 55-65 days. Balcony Magic and Primabelle are slightly later maturing, with a maturing time of 65-75 days.
  • Size: Balcony Magic is a dwarf tomato suitable for growing on balconies and terraces. The fruits are small, weighing only about 20-30 grams. Siberian Spring and Primabelle are larger tomato varieties, with Primabelle having the largest fruits of the three varieties.
  • Taste: Siberian Spring has a fruity and mild taste, while Balcony Magic and Primabelle taste sweet and aromatic.
  • Hardiness: Siberian Spring is known for its resistance to cold and disease. Balcony Charm and Primabelle are also resilient, but not as much as Siberian Spring.
  • Use: Due to its small size, Balcony Magic is ideal for salads and snacks. Because of their size, Siberian spring and primabelle are better suited for sauces and other dishes that require larger chunks of tomato.


Sort Maturity (days) size of the fruit Taste Hardiness Price per pack (approx.)
Siberian Spring 55-65 Medium Mild and fruity Cold tolerant and disease resistant 2-3 euros
Balcony Magic 65-75 Small Sweet and aromatic Disease resistant 1-2 euros
Primabelle 65-75 Large Sweet and aromatic Disease resistant 3-4 euros

Mid-early tomato varieties

San Marzano

‘San Marzano’ is a medium-early variety that is known for its excellent taste. The tomatoes are oblong and are ideal for preparing sauces and for preserving.

San Marzano
San Marzano

Golden Queen

‘Golden Queen’ is a medium-early, yellow tomato variety. The tomatoes are round in shape and have a mild, sweet taste. They are excellent for salads and for decorating dishes.

golden queengolden queen


The ‘Roma’ tomato is a mid-early variety known for its excellent taste and versatility in the kitchen. The tomatoes are oblong and are particularly suitable for sauces, stews and for drying.



  • Maturity: San Marzano and Roma are medium-early tomato varieties that bear fruit after 70-80 days. Golden Queen is a late-ripening variety that bears ripe fruit after 80-90 days.
  • Size: San Marzano and Roma are rather elongated tomato varieties, while Golden Queen has a rounded shape. San Marzano is about medium in size, while Roma and Golden Queen are slightly larger.
  • Taste: San Marzano is known for its intense, fruity taste, while Golden Queen tastes mild and sweet. Roma has a classic, mild tomato flavor.
  • Hardiness: San Marzano and Roma are both relatively resistant to diseases and pests. However, Golden Queen is more susceptible to pest infestation.
  • Use: Due to its intense taste, San Marzano is ideal for sauces and pasta dishes. Golden Queen is ideal for salads and snacks due to its sweetness, while Roma is versatile due to its classic tomato flavor.


Sort Maturity (days) size of the fruit Taste Resilience Price per pack (approx.)
San Marzano 70-80 Medium to long Intense and fruity Disease resistant 3-4 euros
Golden Queen 80-90 Medium to round Mild and sweet More susceptible to pest infestation 2-3 euros
Roma 70-80 Medium to oval Classic tomato flavor Disease resistant 1-2 euros

Late ripening tomato varieties


‘Brandywine’ is a late-ripening tomato variety known for its intense flavor. The tomatoes are large and fleshy and are good for sandwiches and salads. However, they require a longer time to mature and should be grown in a greenhouse or in a warm, sheltered area.


Green Zebra

The ‘Green Zebra’ tomato is a late-ripening variety with striking green-striped fruits. The tomatoes are small to medium-sized and have a slightly sour taste. They are great for salads and to garnish dishes.

Green Zebra
Green Zebra

Black Crimea

‘Black Krim’ is a late-ripening tomato variety that is known for its dark, almost black color and intense, sweet taste. The tomatoes are large and fleshy and are good for salads and grilling.

Black Krim
Black Crimea


  • Maturity: Brandywine and Black Krim are late-ripening tomato varieties that bear ripe fruit after 80-90 days. Green Zebra is a medium late variety that bears ripe fruit after 75-85 days.
  • Size: Brandywine and Black Krim are larger tomato varieties, while Green Zebra is a smaller variety. Brandywine has an irregular, ribbed shape, while Black Krim and Green Zebra have a rounded shape.
  • Taste: Brandywine is known for its intense, fruity flavor while Green Zebra has a spicy and sour taste. Black Krim has a mild, sweet taste.
  • Hardiness: Brandywine and Black Krim are susceptible to disease and pest infestation, while Green Zebra is more resistant to pests and diseases due to its spicy flavor and thicker skin.
  • Use: Brandywine is excellent for salads and sandwiches due to its intense taste. Green Zebra is ideal for sauces and as an accompaniment to cheese and meat dishes, while Black Krim is versatile due to its mild taste.


Sort Maturity (days) size of the fruit Taste resilience Price per pack (approx.)
Brandywine 80-90 Large Intense and fruity Susceptible to diseases and pests 4-5 euros
Green Zebra 75-85 Small to medium-sized Spicy and sour More resistant to pests and diseases 2-3 euros
Black Crimea 80-90 Medium to large Mild and sweet Susceptible to diseases and pests 3-4 euros

Resistant tomato varieties for cultivation in May


‘Ferline’ is a resistant tomato variety that is well suited for cultivation in May. Plants are disease and pest resistant and produce large, fleshy tomatoes with excellent flavor.



The tomato variety ‘Resi’ is also resistant to diseases and pests. The plants are robust and easy to care for and produce medium-sized, tasty tomatoes.



‘Lycopersicon’ is another resistant tomato variety suitable for cultivation in May. The plants are robust and produce medium-sized, aromatic tomatoes.



  • Maturity: Ferline and Resi are late-ripening tomato varieties that bear ripe fruit after 80-90 days. Lycopersicon is a medium-early variety that bears ripe fruit after 70-80 days.
  • Size: Ferline and Resi are medium-sized tomato varieties, while Lycopersicon produces smaller fruits.
  • Taste: Ferline has a sweet and fruity taste, while Resi tastes rather mild. Lycopersicon has a classic tomato flavor.
  • Hardiness: Ferline and Resi are relatively resistant to diseases and pests. Lycopersicon is more susceptible to pest infestation.
  • Use: Due to its sweet taste, Ferline is ideal for salads and as an accompaniment to cheese and meat dishes. Due to its mild taste, Resi is ideal for sauces and soups. Lycopersicon is versatile due to its classic tomato flavor.


Sort Maturity (days) size of the fruit taste Resilience Price per pack (approx.)
Ferline 80-90 Medium Sweet and fruity Disease resistant 3-4 euros
Resi 80-90 Medium Mild Disease resistant 2-3 euros
Lycopersicon 70-80 Small Classic tomato flavor More susceptible to pest infestation 1-2 euros

Tomato varieties for greenhouse cultivation

Ailsa Craig

‘Ailsa Craig’ is a tomato variety that is particularly suitable for greenhouse cultivation. The tomatoes are medium-sized, round in shape and sweet in taste.

Ailsa Craig
Ailsa Craig

Gardener’s Delight

‘Gardeners Delight’ is a popular tomato variety for greenhouse cultivation. The plants produce small, sweet tomatoes that are perfect for salads and snacking.

Gardeners Delight
Gardener’s Delight

Cherry Cascade

‘Cherry Cascade’ is a hanging tomato variety well suited to greenhouse or hanging basket cultivation. The plants produce large quantities of small, sweet cherry tomatoes.

Cherry Cascade
Cherry Cascade


  • Ripening time: Ferline and Resi are late-ripening tomato varieties that bear ripe fruit after 80-90 days. Lycopersicon is a medium-early variety that bears ripe fruit after 70-80 days.
  • Size: Ferline and Resi are medium-sized tomato varieties, while Lycopersicon produces smaller fruits.
  • Taste: Ferline has a sweet and fruity taste, while Resi tastes rather mild. Lycopersicon has a classic tomato flavor.
  • Hardiness: Ferline and Resi are relatively resistant to diseases and pests. Lycopersicon is more susceptible to pest infestation.
  • Use: Due to its sweet taste, Ferline is ideal for salads and as an accompaniment to cheese and meat dishes. Due to its mild taste, Resi is ideal for sauces and soups. Lycopersicon is versatile due to its classic tomato flavor.


places Maturity (days) size of the fruit Taste Hardiness Price per pack (approx.)
Ailsa Craig 70-80 Medium Sweet and spicy Disease resistant 3-4 euros
Gardener’s Delight 70-80 Medium Sweet and fruity Disease resistant 2-3 euros
Cherry Cascade 60-70 Small Mild and sweet More susceptible to pest infestation 1-2 euros

Tomato varieties for growing in tubs and pots

Tumbling Tom

‘Tumbling Tom’ is a hanging tomato variety that is ideal for growing in tubs and pots. The plants are compact and produce lots of small, tasty tomatoes. They are particularly suitable for balconies and terraces.

Tumbling Tom
Tumbling Tom

Patio Princess

‘Patio Princess’ is a compact tomato variety specially bred for growing in pots and tubs. The plants are small and bushy and produce medium-sized, aromatic tomatoes.

Patio Princess
Patio Princess


‘Minibel’ is another compact tomato variety that is well suited for growing in tubs and pots. The plants are small and bushy and produce small, sweet tomatoes.



  • Maturity: Tumbling Tom and Patio Princess are early tomato varieties that bear ripe fruit after 50-60 days. Minibel is a medium-early variety that bears ripe fruit after 70-80 days.
  • Size: Tumbling Tom and Minibel are small tomato varieties, while Patio Princess has medium-sized fruits.
  • Flavor: Tumbling Tom has a sweet and fruity flavor while Patio Princess has a mild and sweet flavor. Minibel has a classic tomato flavor.
  • Hardiness: Tumbling Tom and Patio Princess are relatively resistant to diseases and pests. Minibel is more susceptible to pest infestation.
  • Use: Tumbling Tom and Patio Princess are great for growing in containers and hanging baskets because of their size. Due to its classic tomato flavor, Minibel is suitable for a variety of dishes.


Sort Maturity (days) size of the fruit Taste Resilience Price per pack (approx.)
Tumbling Tom 50-60 Small Sweet and fruity Disease resistant 2-3 euros
Patio Princess 50-60 Medium Mild and sweet Disease resistant 3-4 euros
Minibel 70-80 Small Classic tomato flavor More susceptible to pest infestation 2-3 euros

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