John Deere 975 Specifications

Farming requires tractors that are reliable and have high performance. The John Deere 975 is one such tractor that stands out for its specifications and characteristics. In this article we will give a detailed review of the John Deere 975 including all the specs and features that make it a great tractor.

John Deere 975 Specifications

The technical data of the John Deere 975 are impressive. Here you will find an overview table of all important technical data:

Power (kW/hp) 74/100
Displacement (cm³) 4.5
Number of cylinders 4
Transmission 16/16
Maximum speed (km/h) 40
Hydraulic capacity (l/min) 100
hydraulic system Open
Rear linkage (kg) 4500
Brakes disc brakes
Weight (kg) 4250

In addition to the above technical data, the John Deere 975 is also characterized by high fuel efficiency, which is very important when working in the field.


The John Deere 975 is equipped with a 4.5-liter, four-cylinder engine with an output of 74 kW/100 hp. The engine is extremely powerful and reliable, giving it high performance. Here you will find a table with the most important characteristics of the engine:

Properties values ​​
Displacement (cm³) 4.5
Number of cylinders 4
Power (kW/hp) 74/100
Cooling liquid
Type of fuel Diesel


The John Deere 975 is equipped with a 16/16 transmission that offers high performance and flexibility when working in the field. Here you will find a table with the most important characteristics of the gearbox:

Properties values ​​
Transmission 16/16
Top speed (km/h) 40


The performance of the John Deere 975 is impressive, which makes it a great tractor for use in the field. Here you will find a table with the most important performance characteristics:

Properties values ​​
Power (kW/hp) 74/100
Hydraulic capacity (l/min) 100
Rear linkage (kg) 4500

hydraulic system

The John Deere 975 is equipped with an open hydraulic system that provides a maximum hydraulic output of 100 l/min. The hydraulic system is extremely powerful and reliable, offering excellent performance when working in the field.

Dimensions and weights

The dimensions and weight of the John Deere 975 are also impressive. Here you will find a table with the most important dimensions and weights:

Properties values ​​
Length (mm) 4790
Width (mm) 2120
Height (mm) 2880
Wheelbase (mm) 2670
Weight (kg) 4250


The cabin of the John Deere 975 is extremely comfortable and offers the driver a pleasant working environment.

John Deere 975 Technische Daten
John Deere 975 Specifications


The tires on the John Deere 975 are also impressive. Here you will find a table with the most important characteristics of the tires:

Properties values ​​
Front wheel tires 540/65R24
rear tires 600/65R34


When servicing the John Deere 975, there are a few important things to consider. Here are the main points:

  • Carry out regular maintenance according to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule
  • Change engine oil and filter regularly
  • Clean or replace air filter regularly
  • Change hydraulic oil and filter regularly
  • Check brake fluid regularly and replace if necessary

Prices for spare parts

John Deere 975 spare parts prices vary depending on the type of spare part. Here is a table with some examples of spare parts and their prices:

spare part Price (EUR)
Air filter 50
Oil filter 30
toothed belt 100

Experience with use

The experience of using the John Deere 975 is extremely positive. Extremely powerful and reliable, the tractor offers excellent performance when working in the field.

Comparison with other models

Here you can find a comparison table of the most important technical data of the John Deere 975 compared to four other John Deere models:

Technical specifications John Deere 8345R John Deere 975
Engine power 345 HP 188 HP
Engine type PowerTech PSS 9.0L PowerTech 7.6L
Gear type e23 transmission with efficiency manager SyncroPlus
Number of gears 23 forward and 11 reverse gears 8 forward and 4 reverse gears
Top speed 40 km/h 25 km/h
hydraulic pump 160 l/min 49.2 l/min
Hydraulic valves 5 Standard + 2 High Flow 3 standards + 1 low flow
Lifting power 10,200 kg 5,710 kg
Front tires 600/70R30 420/85R24
Rear tires 710/75R42 520/85R38
Weight 13,000 kg 7,383 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

The John Deere 975 has many advantages, but there are also a few disadvantages to consider. Here are some of the main pros and cons:


  • High performance and reliability
  • Fuel efficient
  • Comfortable cabin
  • Light and agile


  • High purchase price
  • High maintenance costs


The John Deere 975 is a high-quality tractor, but it also comes at a high price. Here is a table with prices for new and used models:

model Price (EUR)
John Deere 975 New 85,000
John Deere 975 Used 65,000


What are the most important technical data of the John Deere 975?

  • Power (kW/hp): 74/100
  • Displacement (cm³): 4.5
  • Number of cylinders: 4
  • Gear: 16/16
  • Top speed (km/h): 40
  • Hydraulic output (l/min): 100
  • Rear linkage (kg): 4500
  • Weight (kg): 4250

How is the cabin of the John Deere 975?

The cabin of the John Deere 975 is extremely comfortable and offers the driver a pleasant working environment. It has air conditioning, a radio and an air-suspended driver’s seat.

What are the maintenance costs for the John Deere 975?

The maintenance costs for the John Deere 975 can vary depending on the maintenance needs. However, it is important to carry out the regular maintenance according to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule to avoid unexpected expenses.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the John Deere 975?

The advantages of the John Deere 975 include high performance and reliability, fuel efficiency, a comfortable cabin and maneuverability. The disadvantages include the high purchase price and high maintenance costs.

What are the prices for spare parts for the John Deere 975?

The prices for spare parts for the John Deere 975 may vary depending on the type of spare part. Some examples of spare parts and their prices can be found in the table in the section.


Overall, the John Deere 975 is an impressive tractor with many powerful features. From the impressive engine power to the comfortable cab, this tractor offers everything a farm needs. While there are some downsides like the high acquisition and maintenance costs, the benefits far outweigh them. If you are looking for a reliable and powerful tractor, the John Deere 975 is an excellent choice.

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