Small Container Plants for Outdoor Spaces

Small container plants outdoor

Small container plants outdoor

When it comes to outdoor spaces, small container plants can brighten up any area, whether it’s a balcony, patio, or garden. These compact plants not only add beauty and color, but they also make excellent choices for those with limited space.

One of the best things about small container plants is their versatility. You can mix and match a variety of plants to create your own unique outdoor oasis. From flowers to herbs to evergreen shrubs, there is a wide range of options to choose from.

Not only do small container plants provide aesthetic appeal, they also offer practical benefits. Many plants, such as herbs, can be used in cooking, allowing you to have fresh ingredients right at your fingertips. Additionally, some plants, like lavender, can help to deter pests such as mosquitoes, making your outdoor space more enjoyable.

Whether you have a small balcony or a spacious patio, small container plants can help to transform any outdoor space into a lush and inviting oasis. With their beauty, versatility, and practicality, these plants are a must-have for those looking to make the most of their outdoor areas.

Top Choices for Small Container Plants

1. Herbs

1. Herbs

If you’re looking for small container plants that are not only beautiful but also useful, herbs are a fantastic choice. They are easy to grow and can be grown in small pots or even in hanging baskets. Some popular herbs for containers include basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint. Not only will they add a burst of flavor to your dishes, but they will also provide a lovely aroma to your outdoor space.

2. Succulents

If you want low-maintenance plants that are perfect for small containers, succulents are a top choice. These plants have thick, fleshy leaves that store water, making them incredibly resilient and drought-tolerant. They come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a great option for adding visual interest to your outdoor space. Popular succulent varieties include echeveria, jade plant, aloe vera, and haworthia.

3. Dwarf Shrubs

If you’re looking for small container plants that will add some structure and height to your outdoor space, consider dwarf shrubs. These compact versions of traditional shrubs are perfect for tight spaces and can be easily grown in containers. Some popular dwarf shrubs for containers include boxwood, compact hydrangeas, dwarf lavender, and dwarf Japanese maple. They will provide year-round greenery and are relatively low-maintenance.

4. Annual Flowers

To add a splash of color to your outdoor space, annual flowers are an excellent choice for small container plants. These plants complete their life cycle in one season, meaning they will bloom and provide vibrant colors all season long. Some popular annual flowers for containers include petunias, marigolds, pansies, and geraniums. Mix and match different varieties to create stunning combinations and visual interest.

5. Ornamental Grasses

If you’re looking for small container plants that will add texture and movement to your outdoor space, ornamental grasses are a great option. These plants come in various sizes and colors and can create a dramatic effect when planted in containers. Some popular ornamental grasses for containers include fountain grass, blue fescue, Japanese forest grass, and maiden grass. They can add a sense of elegance and drama to any garden or patio.

With the right choice of small container plants, you can transform your outdoor space into a lush and inviting oasis. Whether you prefer herbs, succulents, dwarf shrubs, annual flowers, or ornamental grasses, there are plenty of options available to suit your preferences and gardening style. Select plants that thrive in your climate and make sure to provide them with the right amount of sunlight, water, and care to ensure their success.

Beautiful Floral Options for Outdoor Spaces

Beautiful Floral Options for Outdoor Spaces

1. Petunias

Petunias are a popular choice for outdoor spaces due to their vibrant colors and long-lasting blooms. These small container plants can be easily placed on balconies, porches, or patios. Petunias come in various shades of pink, purple, red, and white, adding a burst of color to any outdoor area.

2. Geraniums

2. Geraniums

Geraniums are another stunning option for small outdoor spaces. With their clusters of delicate flowers, they add a touch of elegance to any setting. Geraniums come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, and purple. They are also known for their ability to repel insects, making them a practical and beautiful choice for outdoor areas.

3. Marigolds

3. Marigolds

Marigolds are a popular choice for container gardening in outdoor spaces. Their bright yellow and orange flowers bring a cheerful and vibrant atmosphere to any garden or patio. Marigolds are also known for their pest-repellent properties, making them a great option for outdoor areas that may be prone to mosquitoes or other insects.

4. Sunflowers

Sunflowers are large, bold, and beautiful flowers that can really make a statement in outdoor spaces. These majestic plants can grow quite tall, so they are best suited for larger containers or garden beds. Sunflowers come in various shades of yellow and can add a pop of color and drama to any outdoor space.

5. Lavender

Lavender is a fragrant and visually appealing option for small outdoor spaces. Their purple flowers have a calming effect and can create a serene atmosphere in any garden or patio. Lavender is also known for its ability to attract bees and butterflies, adding an element of nature to outdoor spaces.

6. Daisies

Daisies are charming and cheerful flowers that are perfect for outdoor spaces. Their white petals with vibrant yellow centers bring a touch of innocence and happiness to any garden. Daisies are easy to grow and maintain in small containers, making them a great choice for beginners or those with limited outdoor space.

Overall, there are many beautiful floral options for outdoor spaces. Whether you prefer vibrant petunias, elegant geraniums, cheerful marigolds, bold sunflowers, calming lavender, or charming daisies, these small container plants can enhance the beauty of any outdoor area. Consider your space, sunlight exposure, and personal preference when selecting the perfect floral option for your outdoor space.

Enhance Your Outdoor Space with Fragrant Herbs

Enhance Your Outdoor Space with Fragrant Herbs

Add a touch of fragrance to your outdoor space with aromatic herbs. Not only do these plants add beauty to your garden or balcony, but they also release pleasant scents that can transform your outdoor environment into a sensory oasis.

1. Lavender

1. Lavender

Lavender is a popular choice for adding fragrance to outdoor spaces. Its sweet, floral scent is both calming and uplifting, making it perfect for creating a relaxing atmosphere. Plant lavender in small containers and place them near seating areas or pathways where you can enjoy its scent up close.

2. Mint

Mint is known for its refreshing and invigorating scent. It also has the added benefit of deterring insects, making it a great choice for outdoor spaces. Plant mint in containers and place them near outdoor seating areas to keep pesky bugs away while enjoying its delightful aroma.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary not only adds a beautiful aroma to your outdoor space, but it is also a culinary herb that can be used in a variety of dishes. Its woody scent is both invigorating and comforting, making it a versatile addition to your garden or balcony. Plant rosemary in containers and place it near your outdoor kitchen or dining area for easy access.


  • Make sure to provide enough sunlight and well-draining soil for your fragrant herbs to thrive.
  • Prune your herbs regularly to encourage bushier growth and release more fragrance.
  • Consider planting a variety of fragrant herbs to create a multi-sensory experience in your outdoor space.

With these fragrant herbs, you can transform your outdoor space into a aromatic retreat. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the delightful scents that these plants bring to your garden or balcony.

Compact Shrubs to Add Structure and Texture

Compact Shrubs to Add Structure and Texture

If you are looking for compact shrubs to add structure and texture to your outdoor spaces, there are several varieties that can be perfect for smaller containers. These shrubs not only provide visual interest but also help define different areas of your garden or patio.

1. Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens)

Boxwood is a classic choice for adding structure to your outdoor spaces. Its dense, evergreen foliage creates a formal and polished appearance. Boxwood is versatile and can be pruned into different shapes, making it suitable for both traditional and modern garden designs.

2. Dwarf Yaupon Holly (Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’)

This compact shrub features small, dark green leaves and produces small red berries in the fall. Its small size makes it perfect for containers, and its dense growth habit provides a nice texture. Dwarf Yaupon Holly is also tolerant of heat and drought, making it a low-maintenance option for outdoor spaces.

3. Dwarf Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)

While technically a tree, the dwarf Japanese Maple can be pruned and maintained in a shrub-like form. Its delicate, lacy leaves add unique texture to any outdoor space. The dwarf varieties are perfect for containers, as they stay more compact and manageable in size.

4. Spirea (Spiraea japonica)

Spirea is a versatile shrub that offers a burst of color and texture to any outdoor space. It produces clusters of small flowers in various shades of pink, red, or white. The compact varieties, such as ‘Little Princess’ or ‘Magic Carpet’, are perfect for containers and provide a long-lasting display of color.

5. Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)

Barberry is a shrub known for its colorful foliage. The compact varieties, such as ‘Crimson Pygmy’ or ‘Golden Nugget’, add structure and texture with their vibrant red or golden leaves. Barberry is also deer resistant, making it a great choice for outdoor spaces with wildlife.

6. Hebe (Hebe spp.)

Hebe is a diverse genus of shrubs that offers a wide range of sizes and textures. These evergreen shrubs have small leaves and produce clusters of flowers in various colors. The compact varieties, such as ‘Red Edge’ or ‘Marjorie’, are great for containers and provide year-round interest.

If you want to add structure and texture to your outdoor spaces, consider these compact shrubs. They will not only enhance the visual appeal of your garden but also provide a sense of depth and dimension to your outdoor design.

Evergreen Options for Year-Round Appeal

Evergreen Options for Year-Round Appeal

1. Boxwood (Buxus)

Boxwood is a popular evergreen shrub that adds year-round appeal to outdoor spaces. Its dense foliage and compact growth habit make it a great choice for small container plants. Boxwood is known for its versatility, as it can be shaped into various forms, such as cones, balls, or hedges. It thrives in partial shade and well-drained soil, making it suitable for most outdoor spaces.

2. Juniper (Juniperus)

Juniper is another excellent evergreen option for small container plants. It comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, from low-lying groundcovers to tall upright varieties. Junipers have needle-like foliage that ranges in color from blue-green to silver-green, providing visual interest all year long. They are tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions and prefer full sun to partial shade.

3. Dwarf Conifers

Dwarf conifers, such as dwarf spruce (Picea) and dwarf pine (Pinus), are perfect for adding structural appeal to outdoor spaces. These compact evergreens have a slow growth rate, making them ideal for container gardening. Dwarf conifers come in various shapes, including globular, pyramidal, and weeping forms, offering endless possibilities for creative designs. They prefer well-drained soil and full sun to thrive.

4. Holly (Ilex)

4. Holly (Ilex)

Holly is a classic evergreen shrub known for its glossy green leaves and bright red berries. It adds a pop of color to outdoor spaces during the winter months. Holly comes in numerous varieties, including dwarf cultivars suitable for small container gardens. It prefers well-drained soil and partial shade to full sun. Keep in mind that only female hollies produce berries, so make sure to select the right cultivar if you want this feature.

5. Variegated Japanese Sedge (Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’)

The variegated Japanese sedge is a versatile evergreen grass that adds texture and interest to outdoor spaces. Its green and white striped foliage stands out against other plants, making it an attractive choice for container gardens. The sedge thrives in moist, well-drained soil and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. It’s a low-maintenance option for adding year-round appeal to outdoor spaces.

Overall, incorporating evergreen plants in small containers can provide year-round appeal to outdoor spaces. Whether you choose boxwood, juniper, dwarf conifers, holly, or variegated Japanese sedge, these options offer various shapes, colors, and textures to enhance the visual interest of your garden. Selecting the right evergreen plants based on your climate, light conditions, and personal preferences will ensure a successful and aesthetically pleasing container garden.

Climbing Vines to Create Vertical Interest

When it comes to creating vertical interest in outdoor spaces, climbing vines are a fantastic option. These plants have the ability to grow upwards and attach themselves to structures such as walls, fences, and trellises. They not only add a beautiful visual element to the space, but also provide shade, privacy, and even help cool down the area.

One popular climbing vine is the morning glory. With its vibrant flowers in shades of blue, purple, and pink, it can quickly cover a trellis or fence, creating a stunning focal point in the garden. Morning glories are easy to grow from seeds and require little maintenance. They are perfect for adding a pop of color to any outdoor space.

Another great option is the clematis vine. Known for its large, showy flowers in a variety of colors, clematis can create a dramatic effect when trained to grow up a wall or arbor. They are also available in different varieties, so you can choose the one that suits your aesthetic preferences. Clematis is a hardy plant that thrives in full sun or light shade.

If you’re looking for a vine that will provide a lush, green backdrop, consider the ivy. Ivy is a fast-growing vine that can cover walls and fences, creating a natural and beautiful green screen. It is also known for its ability to withstand harsh conditions and can thrive in both sun and shade. However, keep in mind that ivy can be invasive, so it’s important to monitor its growth and prune it regularly.

For a more unique and exotic look, consider the passionflower vine. With its striking, intricate flowers, the passionflower vine can add a touch of tropical charm to your outdoor space. This vine grows quickly and can cover a trellis or wall in no time. It requires full sun and well-draining soil to thrive.

In conclusion, climbing vines are a wonderful addition to any outdoor space. Whether you’re looking to add color, create privacy, or simply beautify your garden, there is a climbing vine out there for you. So go ahead and explore the wide variety of options available and let your vertical garden flourish.

Drought-Tolerant Plants for Low-Maintenance Outdoor Spaces


Succulents are a great choice for low-maintenance outdoor spaces that experience drought. These plants have thick, fleshy leaves that store water, allowing them to survive in arid conditions. Some popular succulents include aloe vera, agave, and jade plants. These plants require minimal watering and can withstand long periods of dry weather without withering.


Lavender is a beautiful and fragrant plant that thrives in dry, sunny conditions. It is known for its vibrant purple flowers and soothing scent. Lavender is drought-tolerant and requires little water once established. This makes it a perfect choice for low-maintenance outdoor spaces, such as garden borders or containers. Additionally, lavender attracts pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, making it a beneficial plant for the ecosystem.



Rosemary is a versatile herb that is not only used in cooking but also makes a great addition to outdoor spaces. It has needle-like leaves and produces small, blue flowers. Rosemary is tolerant of hot, dry conditions and can survive with minimal watering. It can be grown in containers or planted directly in the ground, making it a low-maintenance choice for small outdoor spaces, such as balconies or patios.


Yucca is a striking plant with sword-like leaves and tall, showy spikes of white flowers. It is known for its ability to survive in dry, desert-like conditions. Yuccas are great for low-maintenance outdoor spaces as they require little water and are resistant to drought. They can be grown in containers or planted in the ground, adding a unique and architectural element to any landscape.


Verbena is a colorful flowering plant that is drought-tolerant and low maintenance. It produces clusters of small, vibrant flowers in various colors, including pink, purple, and red. Verbena thrives in dry, sunny conditions and requires minimal watering. It can be a great addition to outdoor spaces, such as hanging baskets or borders, adding a pop of color and attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

In conclusion, by selecting drought-tolerant plants like succulents, lavender, rosemary, yucca, and verbena, you can create a low-maintenance outdoor space that requires minimal watering and can withstand dry conditions. These plants not only add beauty and interest to your outdoor areas but also support the local ecosystem by attracting pollinators. So, consider incorporating these plants into your outdoor spaces to enjoy their beauty and reduce your water usage.

Colorful Foliage Options for Visual Impact

Colorful Foliage Options for Visual Impact

1. Coleus

1. Coleus

If you are looking for vibrant and eye-catching foliage for your small outdoor space, coleus is an excellent choice. With its wide array of colors and patterns, coleus plants can easily add a pop of color to any container garden. Whether you prefer shades of red, orange, yellow, or green, there is a coleus variety that will suit your aesthetic preferences.

2. Heuchera

2. Heuchera

For a more subtle yet still striking option, consider planting Heuchera in your outdoor containers. Heuchera, also known as coral bells, offers beautiful foliage in shades of purple, silver, bronze, and green. These plants are also known for their ornamental value, with their unique ruffled leaves adding texture and interest to the garden.

3. Cordyline

3. Cordyline

Another fantastic choice for colorful foliage is Cordyline. This spiky plant comes in various shades of red, burgundy, and green, making it a great option for adding height and drama to your outdoor space. Cordyline is also relatively low-maintenance, making it an ideal choice for busy gardeners or those new to container gardening.

4. Caladium

4. Caladium

If you are a fan of bold and tropical-looking foliage, consider planting Caladium in your outdoor containers. Caladium plants feature large, heart-shaped leaves in vibrant colors such as pink, red, and green. These plants thrive in shady areas, making them a perfect choice for decks, patios, or balconies with limited direct sunlight.

5. Croton

Croton plants are known for their stunning foliage, which typically features vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, and green. These plants are excellent for adding a tropical feel to your outdoor space, and they can thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas. Croton plants are also relatively easy to care for, making them a popular choice among gardeners of all skill levels.

With these colorful foliage options, you can create a visually appealing container garden that will brighten up your outdoor space and impress your guests. Consider mixing and matching different plants to create a unique and personalized display. Remember to provide proper care, including regular watering and occasional fertilizing, to ensure your plants stay healthy and vibrant throughout the season.

Edible Plants to Create a Functional and Beautiful Space

Edible Plants to Create a Functional and Beautiful Space

Create a garden that is not only visually appealing, but also serves a practical purpose by incorporating edible plants.

By choosing edible plants for your outdoor space, you can enjoy the beauty of nature while also reaping the benefits of homegrown produce.

Consider planting herbs such as basil, mint, and rosemary. These herbs not only add a touch of green to your garden, but they also provide fresh flavors for your meals. Imagine stepping outside to pick a handful of fresh basil leaves to add to your homemade pasta sauce. It doesn’t get much better than that!

If you have enough space, why not plant some fruit trees? Fruit trees like apple, pear, and cherry not only create a stunning focal point in your garden but also provide you with a bountiful harvest of delicious fruits. Picture yourself picking juicy apples straight from the tree and biting into their crisp sweetness.

In addition to herbs and fruit trees, consider growing some vegetables in your outdoor space. Lettuce, tomatoes, and peppers are all excellent choices for container gardening. Not only do these vegetables provide nutritional benefits, but they can also add vibrant colors to your garden. Imagine picking a fresh, ripe tomato right off the vine to include in your summer salads.

When planning your edible garden, it’s important to choose plants that will thrive in your climate and growing conditions. Consider factors such as sunlight, temperature, and soil quality. By selecting the right plants and providing them with the proper care, you can create a functional and beautiful space that will not only be aesthetically pleasing but also provide you with fresh and delicious homegrown produce.


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