Best Plants to Surround Your Pool

Plant ideas near pool

Plant ideas near pool

When it comes to creating a beautiful and functional poolside oasis, the right plants can make all the difference. Choosing the best plants to surround your pool is essential for creating a relaxing and visually appealing environment. Whether you’re looking for shade, privacy, or simply want to add some greenery, there are a variety of plants that can thrive in a poolside setting.

One important consideration when selecting poolside plants is their ability to withstand the unique challenges posed by the pool environment. Chlorine exposure, fluctuating temperatures, and splashing water can all take a toll on plants, so it’s important to choose species that are tolerant of these conditions. Additionally, you’ll want to choose plants that are low maintenance, as you’ll want to spend more time enjoying your poolside retreat and less time tending to your plants.

Several types of plants are particularly well-suited for poolside areas. Palms, with their tall, elegant fronds, offer both shade and a tropical aesthetic. They also have deep root systems that help stabilize the soil, making them a great choice for areas prone to erosion. Another popular choice is the hibiscus, which adds vibrant color with its large, showy blooms. Hibiscus plants are known for their ability to withstand heat and high humidity, which makes them ideal for poolside planting. For a touch of elegance, consider planting bougainvillea, with its vibrant flowers and trailing vines. These plants are highly tolerant of heat and drought, making them a perfect choice for sunny poolside areas.

In addition to these plant varieties, other factors to consider when selecting poolside plants include the amount of sunlight and shade the area receives, the type of soil, and the desired level of privacy. By choosing the right plants and carefully planning your poolside landscaping, you can create a resort-like atmosphere right in your own backyard.

Benefits of Plants around Your Pool

Benefits of Plants around Your Pool

Increase Privacy

Plants around your pool can provide a natural privacy screen, creating a sense of seclusion and intimacy. Tall, dense plants such as bamboo, hedges, or tall grasses can be strategically placed to block views from neighboring properties or public areas, allowing you to relax and enjoy your pool in peace.

For added privacy, consider planting climbing vines or installing trellises along a fence or pergola surrounding your pool area. These vertical elements can create a natural green wall, adding an extra layer of privacy.

Enhance Aesthetics

The presence of plants around your pool can greatly enhance the overall aesthetics of your outdoor space. Lush greenery, colorful flowers, and textured foliage can create a visually appealing backdrop to your pool, making it feel like a tranquil oasis.

Choose a variety of plants with different heights, shapes, and textures to create a layered and visually interesting landscape design. Consider adding ornamental grasses, flowering shrubs, and potted plants to add depth and dimension.

Provide Shade

Provide Shade

Plants around your pool can also provide much-needed shade during hot summer days. By strategically planting trees or installing umbrellas, you can create shady spots around the pool where you can escape the sun’s intense rays.

Consider planting deciduous trees that provide shade in the summer while allowing sunlight to filter through in the winter. This seasonal change in foliage can add variety and interest to your pool area.

Reduce Heat

The presence of plants around your pool can help to reduce the ambient temperature in your outdoor space. Plants release moisture through a process called transpiration, which cools the surrounding air and creates a more pleasant environment.

Choose plants with broad leaves or dense foliage that can provide maximum cooling effect. Palms, ferns, and tropical plants are excellent choices for creating a cooler microclimate around your pool.

Improve Air Quality

Improve Air Quality

Plants have the ability to improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, which can be especially beneficial in an outdoor area like a pool. The presence of plants can help to purify and freshen the air, creating a healthier and more enjoyable environment for swimming and lounging.

Consider adding plants with air-purifying qualities, such as snake plant, peace lily, or spider plant, to enhance the air quality around your pool.

Attract Wildlife

Attract Wildlife

Plants around your pool can attract various forms of wildlife, such as birds and butterflies, adding an element of nature and beauty to your pool area. The sound of birds chirping and the sight of colorful butterflies can create a serene and enchanting atmosphere.

Choose plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife, such as native flowering plants, berry-producing shrubs, or butterfly-friendly herbs like lavender and milkweed.

In conclusion, incorporating plants around your pool can provide numerous benefits beyond just aesthetics. From increasing privacy and providing shade to improving air quality and attracting wildlife, plants can create a welcoming and enjoyable environment for you and your guests to relax and unwind.

Enhance Aesthetic Appearance

Enhance Aesthetic Appearance

Surrounding your pool with plants is a great way to enhance its aesthetic appearance. By carefully selecting the right plants, you can create a lush and inviting oasis that adds beauty and tranquility to your pool area.

One option is to use tall, leafy plants to create a natural privacy screen around your pool. Plants like bamboo or tall grasses can provide a sense of seclusion while adding a tropical touch to the space. These plants can be arranged in rows or clusters to create a visually appealing boundary.

In addition to privacy, adding colorful flowers and plants can also enhance the visual appeal of your pool area. Flowers like hibiscus or lilies can add vibrant pops of color to the landscape, while plants with variegated foliage can create interesting patterns and textures.

Another way to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your pool area is by incorporating a variety of plant heights and shapes. Mixing taller plants with shorter ones can create a visually dynamic effect. Consider using plants with different growth habits, such as climbers or trailing vines, to add vertical interest to your pool area.

Lastly, don’t forget about the importance of maintenance when selecting plants for your pool area. Be sure to choose plants that are low-maintenance and can withstand the unique conditions of a pool environment, such as heat and chlorine exposure. This will ensure that your pool area remains beautiful and vibrant with minimal effort.

Provide Natural Shade

Provide Natural Shade

When planning the landscaping around your pool, it’s important to consider providing natural shade. The intense sunlight and UV rays can be harsh, especially during the hot summer months. Having a shaded area not only creates a more comfortable environment for you and your guests, but it also helps to protect your pool from excessive evaporation and damage from the sun.

1. Trees: Consider planting trees around your pool area to provide natural shade. Choose trees that have a wide, dense canopy that can provide ample shade. Some popular options include palm trees, maple trees, and jacaranda trees. Make sure to position the trees strategically so that they don’t block the sun completely, but rather provide a comfortable amount of shade.

2. Shrubs and Bushes: In addition to trees, you can also plant shrubs and bushes around your pool area to provide shade. Opt for varieties that have thick foliage and can withstand the heat and sunlight. Examples include boxwood shrubs, rose bushes, and hibiscus plants. These plants not only provide shade but also add beauty and color to your poolside landscape.

3. Pergolas and Gazebos: Another way to provide natural shade is to install pergolas or gazebos near your pool. These structures provide both shade and a place to relax or entertain. You can choose to grow vines or climbing plants on the pergolas or gazebos to further enhance the shade provided. Wisteria, grapevines, and honeysuckle are popular options for this purpose.

4. Umbrellas and Shade Sails: If you prefer a more flexible shade solution, consider using umbrellas or shade sails. These can be easily adjusted or moved around depending on the position of the sun. Opt for high-quality umbrellas that are resistant to wind and have UV protection. Shade sails can be suspended above your pool area to provide a large shaded area. Choose a fabric that is durable and can withstand exposure to the sun and weather conditions.

Remember to consider the specific needs of your pool area when selecting plants for natural shade. Think about the size of your pool, the direction of the sun, and the layout of your landscape. By providing natural shade, you can create a more enjoyable and comfortable poolside experience.

Reduce Heat and Glare

Reduce Heat and Glare

When choosing plants to surround your pool, it’s important to consider ones that can help reduce heat and glare. These plants can provide shade and create a more comfortable environment for swimming and relaxing.

1. Trees: Planting tall trees around your pool can help block the sun’s direct rays and provide a natural shade. Opt for trees with dense foliage, such as magnolias or palms, which can create a cool and serene atmosphere. Additionally, trees can also act as a windbreak, reducing the cooling effect caused by strong winds.

2. Shrubs: Incorporating shrubs with thick leaves, such as boxwoods or hollies, can provide a barrier between the pool area and the sun. These shrubs can help filter the sunlight and create a more diffused light, reducing glare and heat. Choose shrubs that are low-maintenance and can withstand the pool’s chlorine levels.

3. Vines: Installing trellises or fences around your pool and covering them with climbing vines, such as bougainvillea or wisteria, can help reduce heat and glare. These vines can create a natural shade and add a touch of beauty to your pool area. Opt for fast-growing varieties to quickly establish the desired effect.

4. Groundcover Plants: Consider planting groundcover plants, like creeping thyme or sedum, around your pool to reduce heat and glare. These low-growing plants can help cover bare ground, minimize heat reflection, and create a cooler surface to walk on. Choose varieties that are heat-tolerant and have a dense growth habit for maximum effectiveness.

5. Water Plants: Another option to help reduce heat around your pool is to incorporate water plants, such as water lilies or lotus, in a pond or water feature nearby. These floating plants can provide shade and create a more comfortable microclimate. Additionally, the sound of water can add a soothing ambiance to your pool area.

Overall, by strategically choosing plants that reduce heat and glare, you can create a more enjoyable and refreshing poolside experience. Consider a combination of trees, shrubs, vines, groundcover plants, and water plants to achieve the desired cooling effect and enhance the aesthetics of your pool surroundings.

Create Privacy

If you’re looking to create a more private and secluded atmosphere around your pool area, there are several plants that can help you achieve this. One option is to use tall hedges or shrubs that can provide a natural barrier and block the view from neighboring properties or the street. Some good choices for privacy hedges include arborvitae, cypress, and leylandii.

Another option is to use climbing plants or vines that can cover fences, walls, or pergolas to create a living privacy screen. Plants like bougainvillea, jasmine, and passionflower are not only beautiful but also fast-growing, making them ideal for creating an instant privacy barrier.

If you prefer a more tropical look, consider using palm trees or bamboo plants to create privacy around your pool. Both palm trees and bamboo have dense foliage and can grow tall, providing excellent privacy and shade. Bamboo, in particular, is known for its rapid growth and can quickly create a lush and secluded pool area.

In addition to plants, you can also use decorative elements such as outdoor curtains, pergolas, or trellises to add an extra layer of privacy to your pool area. These can be combined with plants to create a visually stunning and secluded oasis for you and your family to enjoy.

Before choosing the plants for your pool area, consider the amount of sunlight and water they require, as well as their growth rate and potential for attracting pests. It’s also a good idea to consult with a landscaping professional to ensure that the plants you choose are suitable for your specific climate and pool area.

Improve Air Quality

Improve Air Quality

Having plants around your pool not only adds aesthetic appeal, but it can also improve the air quality in your pool area. Plants are natural air purifiers and can help filter out pollutants and toxins, releasing oxygen into the air.

Aloe vera is an excellent plant for improving air quality around your pool. It releases oxygen at night, making it ideal for areas that are used in the evening. Aloe vera also has the added benefit of soothing sunburns, which can be helpful after spending time in the pool.

Spider plants are another great choice for improving air quality. They are known to remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air, which can be found in household cleaners and pool chemicals. Spider plants are low-maintenance and thrive in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Peace lilies are beautiful plants that can improve air quality by removing harmful toxins, such as benzene, from the air. They are also known to absorb mold spores, making them a great choice for pool areas that may have high humidity levels.

Consider adding snake plants to your pool area as well. They are known for their ability to filter out toxins, such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene. Snake plants are low-maintenance and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions.

To further enhance the air quality around your pool, you may also want to consider using an air purifier or a dehumidifier to reduce excess moisture and filter out additional pollutants. Combining these technologies with the natural air purification abilities of plants can create a clean and healthy environment around your pool.

Attract Wildlife

Attract Wildlife

If you want to create a vibrant and lively atmosphere around your pool, consider planting a variety of plants that attract wildlife. By creating a favorable habitat, you can encourage birds, butterflies, and other creatures to visit your pool area.

Birds: Planting trees and shrubs that produce berries, fruits, or seeds can attract a wide range of bird species. Consider species like viburnum, elderberry, or holly, which provide food and shelter for birds. You can also install bird feeders and bird baths to further entice them.

Butterflies: To attract butterflies, include nectar-rich plants in your poolside garden. Flowers like coneflowers, milkweed, and butterfly bushes are excellent choices. These plants not only provide food for adult butterflies but also serve as host plants for their caterpillar stage.

Bees and Insects: Planting flowers that produce a lot of nectar and pollen will attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Some good options include lavender, sunflowers, and goldenrod. These plants not only add color and beauty to your pool area but also provide a valuable food source for pollinators.

Reptiles and Amphibians: If you’re interested in attracting reptiles and amphibians to your pool area, provide suitable hiding spots and water sources. Rocks, logs, and dense vegetation can create shelter for them, while a small pond or water feature can serve as a breeding ground for frogs and toads.

To create a balanced ecosystem and attract a wide range of wildlife, consider planting a mix of native plants that provide food, shelter, and water. By attracting wildlife, you can enhance the natural beauty of your pool area and enjoy observing the different creatures that come to visit.

Minimize Pool Maintenance

Minimize Pool Maintenance

One of the key factors in maintaining a pool is minimizing the amount of upkeep required. This can help save you time, money, and energy in the long run. By choosing the right plants to surround your pool, you can greatly reduce the need for constant maintenance.

Select Low-Maintenance Plants

Select Low-Maintenance Plants

When selecting plants for your poolside landscape, opt for low-maintenance varieties. These plants should be able to withstand the chlorine from the pool water and have minimal dropping of leaves or flowers. Some example options include evergreen shrubs, such as boxwoods or junipers, which require little to no pruning and provide year-round greenery.

Create a Barrier

Create a Barrier

In order to minimize the amount of debris that falls into your pool, consider creating a barrier with plants. Choose plants with dense foliage, such as ornamental grasses or tall shrubs, to create a physical barrier that prevents leaves and other debris from entering the water. This can help reduce the time and effort spent skimming and cleaning the pool.

Avoid Plants with Invasive Roots

Plants with invasive roots can cause damage to your pool’s structure and plumbing systems. Avoid planting trees or shrubs with aggressive root systems near your pool area. Instead, opt for plants with shallow root systems that are less likely to cause issues. This will help minimize the need for repairs and maintenance due to root damage.

Use Potted Plants

Use Potted Plants

Another way to minimize pool maintenance is to use potted plants. By placing plants in containers, you have more control over their growth and can easily move them if needed. Potted plants also help prevent roots from growing into the pool area and causing damage. Choose plants that thrive in containers, such as succulents or dwarf varieties, for easy maintenance and flexibility.

Consider Artificial Plants

Consider Artificial Plants

If you want to further reduce the need for maintenance, consider using artificial plants around your pool. These plants require no watering, pruning, or fertilizing, making them a hassle-free option. Look for realistic artificial plants that blend seamlessly with natural foliage, providing all the aesthetic benefits without the upkeep.

By choosing the right plants and taking preventative measures, you can minimize pool maintenance and spend more time enjoying your pool. Remember to regularly clean the pool and remove any debris to ensure a clean and inviting swimming environment. With a well-planned poolside landscape, you can create an oasis that requires minimal upkeep and maximizes relaxation.

Add a Tropical Feeling

Surrounding your pool with tropical plants can create a relaxing and inviting atmosphere. The lush green leaves and vibrant colors of tropical plants instantly transport you to a tropical paradise. To add a tropical feeling to your pool area, consider incorporating plants such as palm trees, banana plants, and hibiscus.

Palm Trees

Palm Trees

Palm trees are iconic symbols of tropical landscapes. Their tall and graceful trunks, topped with a canopy of feathery leaves, instantly evoke a sense of tranquility. Planting palm trees around your pool can create a resort-like ambiance. Choose varieties such as the Areca palm or the Kentia palm, which are well-suited for pool environments and require minimal maintenance.

Banana Plants

Banana Plants

Banana plants are another great choice for adding a tropical touch to your pool area. These plants feature large, broad leaves that create a lush and exotic look. They can thrive in poolside conditions, as long as they receive enough sunlight and water. For a dramatic effect, consider planting multiple banana plants in a cluster to create a tropical oasis.



Hibiscus is a colorful and vibrant plant that can instantly brighten up your pool area. With their large, showy flowers in various shades of red, pink, orange, and yellow, hibiscus plants add a splash of tropical color. They are also relatively easy to care for and can thrive in both sunny and partially shaded areas. Consider planting hibiscus bushes along the perimeter of your pool or placing potted hibiscus plants on your pool deck for a pop of tropical beauty.

Incorporating these tropical plants around your pool can create a visually stunning and relaxing environment. Whether you choose palm trees, banana plants, hibiscus, or a combination of these plants, they will instantly transport you to a tropical paradise every time you step into your pool area.


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